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Spire of Dawn / Island of Blood Gallery

Finally, I completed my nearly decade-old boxed set. I also made a little terrain-piece that fit nicely in my bookshelf. I'll see if I can post some pictures from that project too, later on. Here's some pictures that shows the completed project:

All of the set in one take

Point of view of Skaven side

Ellyrian Reavers leading the charge.

Prince Althran on Sharpclaw is commanding his troops.

Caladris hurling out some spells towards Skreet Verminkin and his host of clanrats.
The rat ogres are eager to shed some blood.

Ratchitt and the weapon teams covering the calnrats (or will a misfire cause the stench of burned rat-pelt?).

The whole set sitting in my bookshelf.


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